yep freenode is under a DDos attack again :(
@theru How did you hear. There is nothing on the blog.
@nybill I noticed they had accounts on G+ and twitter ->
@theru Ah I see. The surface web. :P
@theru oddly, I haven't been kicked once. But, everyone around me seems to be effected.
@nybill I was in oggcastplanet and suddenly I was the only one there same for 4 other channels …
@theru I should have been in there. I haven't been kicked. Maybe different servers get effected differently.
@theru It shows you in there. Huh...
@nybill yep was a net split the server I was on got disconnected from the server you were on - …
@theru Ah I see. What is the point of DDOSing freenode. Oo
@nybill I did kick my irc proxy as I thought that was the problem and got reconnected to a diff…
@nybill I never can understand it - but if I find the people that does it I'm going to slap them with a wet sock until they get the point
@theru They will get a life sentence of... all future interaction with the internets must be through Clippy!
@nybill ha ha punishment through clippy
@theru Ah, I'm still in there. But, it says you got split. So, the servers are just loosing us. I always seem to be connected on my end.
@theru "I see you're trying to contact to your botnet. Would you like help with th *BLUESCREEN*"