apparently Christiania (free city in Copenhagen) has their own dns server
@theru dns is secret shorthand for "danes" #conspiracy
@inscius heh hopefully not we have a lot of dns blocking going on here - not good for the inter…
@theru dns blocking, is that blocking of domains?
@inscius yep - like piratebay - sharkwire etc
@theru I should know what we have here. afaik it is only for peddo stuff
@inscius started like that here as well - then online gambling and other stuff (it is of cause …
@theru online gambling? so you have govt monopoly on that?
@inscius yep :-)
@theru We have sort of govt. monopoly, but there is alot of ads for gaming sites on teve :/
@inscius same here well if they are send from abroad
@theru gambling addiction is scary imho. Not getting enough attention.
@inscius I think this is more about money - a some procent of what they get is given to stuff like sport or cultural events
@theru same her. the govt co claim they are for responsible gaming, but they really push all sorts of games :S
@inscius yep konkurrence er godt bare det ikke er med os :)
@theru A little hipocrisy can earn billions :-)