in about 15 min some pore lenovo helpdesk person is going to get yelled at it the technician doesn't call before then
@theru Are you negotiating peace treaty now?
@inscius they are closed so can't call them result is I have to wait til Tuesday to call them by then I'll probably be rather pissed
@theru :( Are they closed tomorrow?
@inscius tomorrow is a bank holiday here same with friday and monday
@theru oh. here it is not holiday. anal work ethic maybe
@inscius skærtorsdag :) most people take the entire week of gives you sort of a mini holiday
@theru skärtorsdag. det betyder inte Pink Thursday, men kunde vara kul om det gjorde det...
@insciusärtorsdagen et eller andet med noget nadver - here står den så på sild og snaps :P
skandinavisk health food alltså
@inscius Snaps makes the pain go away :P
@theru häll lite i usb porten på Lenovon? Creative tech
@inscius nu bliver snaps også kaldt akvavit herovre :) livets vand
@theru här också. snaps är mer den lille mängd i ett snapsglas :)
@inscius heldigvis er et snaps glads ikke så stort - det er jo noget forfærdigeligt sprøjt :P
@theru .. and the link
@inscius så vidt jeg husker er dansk snaps også svensk :P mener at systembolagat har købt "De Danske Spritfabrikker" :)
@theru det är ju för faen kolonialism :P