@kevie The #crivins feed ( ) is saying all the eps are video except the latest ep :/
@krayon hmmm.... Are you on Twitter? @ThistleWeb is the one that deals with Crivins, I can email him if you like
Quoting @thistleweb on twitter "@krayon I dunno what to do about that, nothing has changed, it migh…
@kevie not parsing, it's the feed file. If you view it in an editor, the enclosure tag says "video" so my player won't play them as audio :(
@krayon that's odd, I create the audio file on audacity and I always export it as an audio ogg file.... hmmm
@kevie the file doesn't contain video (that I can see) so the feed generator is "doing it wrong" I'd say, though ep 120 says audio weirdly.
@krayon @kevie The old file ext for Ogg files was .ogg, but now we should use .oga for audio and …
@kevie given that the last ep shows as audio makes me think you should change generators. I recommend just writing a small shell script.
@kevie Looks like you guys aren't the only ones ( ). You both use ""? It's buggy I guess :(
@kevie Oh purl! NVM, showing my ignorance there :P Your feeds look SO similar though, I suspect you both use the same buggy generator.