Can you send a !bitmessage to the group-broadcast address please? still didn't get a msg sent there: 36…
status it shows: "sending public key request. waiting for reply..."
after 6h still nothing, I think this (1) is true. (1)
... and 6 days later
@lnxw48 3 weeks later, status: "Encryption key was requested earlier" (same status also on new msg I se…
@lnxw48 just received a msg by @ghostdancer to the old GS-BM-group broadcast :-) so it seems to work, somehow
the status here changed now to: "Doing work necessary to send message"
it seems the msg arrival by @ghostdancer triggered my sent msgs (2h ago + 3 weeks ago) to come into the correct state for sending. strange
@lnxw48 received your reply on my msg