@theru Ha nice! ...will it fix my GPU scaling batt power drain? #experimentTime
@theru Yea, I did. I have to power cycle it for a bit for it to figure out its levels. Its all over the place ATM.
@nybill let it settle for a day or two :)
@theru Well, with the first run down test, there was no change. :/
@theru Just pulled the plug and it says "5:28" left. (Up from 2h) I doubt it will hold.
@theru Heh, just dropped to 1:35h. #worseThenBefore
@nybill I can't remember hvad his name is but the suspend and resume guy did post a blog about …
@theru This is the stuff I thought was being addressed in the 4.0 kernel. :/ More waiting...
@nybill apparently Linux isn't cutting edge when it comes to battries/power consumption
@theru I'm sure most of the problem is hardware vendors not sharing drivers & specs.
@nybill probably some of it - but you also need people to do stuff about it and from the blog p…