# - Operation Sandbags At Dawn - In this inaugural episode, David, Luke and Andy conquer technology and eventually manage to talk to each other using a variety of VOIP technologies. David then succeeds in recording the resulting antics.This bizarre Menage A Trois address the thorny issue of naming this podcast and take a light hearted look at recent events on identi.ca, stir up recent flame fests passionate discussions, ponder on the attractions of Minecraft and then pay a * Duration 1:12h * Published 31/03/2011 19:53:00 * Episode Download Link (17 MB): http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinap/~5/aMyTnmae_A8/TINAP1.ogg * Show Notes: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinap/~3/qCiO_i5eKts/4236985138 * Podcast Feed: This Is Not A Podcast (http://feeds.feedburner.com/tinap)