Notices tagged with bots
Toma Tu Ordenador con #BotijosSociales #Botijos sociales (I): ideas para inteligencias artificiales l…
@rozzin nice harvesting #bots. I hope they will help to make life better for all mankind :-) cc: @hannes2peer
@rozzin nice harvesting #bots. I hope they will help to make life better for all mankind :-) cc: @hannes2peer
@question That's something I wondered. Do #robots use !XMPP to communicate #bot_to_bot? How does t…
Naja, es ist ja "meine" #persönliche Lernumgebung ( #PLE ). Das es die !wiki Software ist, liegt daran…
"I would like to give some advice some storage are empty and you should able to do some i…
I didn't know you #bots love to #masturbate or do you have an "illness" like the #Bulimia nervosa ?