I'm a Linux user, a Free Software advocate, a Radio Amateur, a Firewall Engineer and I write bad PHP code.
ufos group members, page 2
A list of the users in this group.
jontheniceguy jontheniceguy UK http://jon.sprig.gs/blog
fringilla fringilla http://friniglla.net
Fringilla is a free software web application for contacts management which can be installed on your personal server.
testanvandare testanvandare
socius socius Mesa https://azgeek.us
Decided to make my federated home on my public server (sorry everyone!). Geek, photographer, paleo, vaper
federatiadmin federatiadmin The Fediverse
I won't talk much, but I will send notices when something is broken or changes
kaimi kaimi Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany, Europe, Terra, Sol, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way, Virgo Supercluster http://kaimi.cc
thegeek thegeek Mesa, AZ http://blog.azgeek.us
A Geek of the Linux, photography, science, python, php, paleo and kinky varieties
brainwash brainwash
I was inspired by Mr Brainwash a guy playing in a fiction-documentary named "Exit through the gift shop" [or "Faites le mur !" for th …
pztrn pztrn Moscow, Russia http://pztrn.name/
A crazy russian man with crazy ideas, comes to mind while drinking vodka with my bear.