/dev/random is a show, an oggcast/podcast/cast about random stuff, sometimes tech, ALWAYS unbearable. IRC: freenode.net/#devrandom
krayon groups
devrandom /dev/random Show http://devrandomshow.org/
minetest minetest http://minetest.net/
(unofficial) minetest group. minetest - A GPL'd InfiniMiner/Minecraft inspired game (moved from identi.ca)
hpr Hacker Public Radio (HPR) http://hackerpublicradio.org/
An Internet Radio show (podcast) that releases shows produced by the community every weekday Monday through Friday.
ufos United Federation of Statusnet's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets
An interplanetary federal republic composed of status.net instances that agree to exist semi-autonomously under a single set of standards.
hack Hacks The Internet https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hacker+emblem
A place for people who understand what the logo signifies to share interesting hacks of any type.
snadmins snadmins
IMPORTANT: click the PRIVATE-button when you compose a msg for this group (then that message becomes invisible to non-group-members)
security Computer and Network Security World https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_security
Discussion of computer, network, and digital security issues, breaches, vulnerabilities, strategies. Maybe even some physical security too!
raspberrypi RaspberryPi
Raspberry Pi group, any topics, like hardware, software, installation, use cases, trouble shooting...
kpo Kernel Panic OGGCast http://kernelpanicoggcast.net/
An oggcast, that after the introduction, spirals to a fatal digression from which it cannot safely recover. IRC: freenode.net/#OGGCastPlanet
crypto Cryptography World https://cryptoparty.in/
Cryptography, cryptanalysis, cryptoparties, any security and privacy-enhancing tools
gnupg GnuPG - GNU Privacy Guard https://gnupg.org/
GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). GnuPG allows to encrypt an …
python Python http://python.org
Anything which is interesting to users or developers of the programming language python.
cplusplus cplusplus http://www.isocpp.org/
For discussion about the C++ language, C++ standardization, or C++ projects.