Notices by Krayon (krayon), page 26
@fabsh you said it wasn't for mass market and didn't know any non-devs with 1. I thought you meant it was because not easily usable by them.
@silner yeah OGGCastPlanet is a great channel IMHO, very friendly.
@silner #LinuxOutlaws #OGGCastPlanet #YOUR_DISTRO_HERE on freenode :-D
@chalkahlom !heybuddy on !n900 at least is showing those correctly (if correctly is 2 right slanted lines above each letter)
@scriptmunkee Yeah I did that and I get unmetered downloads from my ISP's mirror anyway! rsync ... Done: !archlinux mirror.
@mo6020 For me, it's really slow but only once I get up to a few GB usage (generally 10 - 20 windows, with maybe 20 - 30 tabs each)
♺ @alisonchaiken: Youd think people would have had enough of silly lawsuits. I look around me & I see it isnt so. Some people want to.. !lo
@thistleweb :-D thanks. It's amazing how stupid I both feel and become as soon as the record button is pressed :-P
Now moving house is all but finished, I've FINALLY been able to sit down and start recording my first !hpr ... Scary stuff...
@alpacaherder !lo I have issues accessing iBiblio's servers often :-/ FWIW, now is one of those times.