Notices tagged with doh
Ah, I read that wrong. I thought you were getting 5 bitcoins. #doh
@windigo Now that I can get behind! Its clear skies and ~75f at the moment. Quite a nice…
Just drove 2 1/2 hours up into the Adirondacks to visit my sisters fam camping... and they had been there last weekend. #doh
You forgot to set the update interval on beyondpod, bill. That is why you just ran out of podcasts. #doh
ofc they cant see. it's a black hole for chrissake :-P #doh
@lnxw48 Turns out I was looking at the page with info/codes from SN/Mysql when I had it …
Social media nano drone #doh
Who just typed their password into an IRC channel? #doh
#doh I just rm'd my home dir (non-hidden) file contents by mistake. Maybe time to think about backups
Note to self: A microphone that is turned of does not record any sound #doh