Notices tagged with fdroid
Parece que ya está disponible #Zom, el fork de #Chatsecure para !xmpp que se anunci…
Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 00:30:33 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E in context
#Conversations 1.4.7 on #F-droid
!xmpp !Android -
#Conversations 1.4.5 released on #F-droid
!xmpp !Android -
A lot of new releases on #F-droid!! #Xabber 1.0.22 and #Conversations 1.4.4 included \o/
!xmpp -
#Conversations 1.4.3 on #F-Droid
"The Internet giant Google just banned Conversations from the play store. This harsh moved …
Wow, another #Conversations version released :D #android #F-Droid #FDroid #jabber #xmpp #jabber-xmpp !xmpp
#F-Droid a dépassé les 1000 applications ! \o/ !android !libre
Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 08:21:22 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E Repeated by oldpostblue