Notices tagged with identica
I have one on #identica but since I don't use it, so following me will not benefit you in a way, I think
"Evan ran off to write something else that also isn't #compatible with pretty much anything." "And even…
>6 Jahre, #identica z.B. ging live am 2008 May 18:
@chnissen @stefan @der hier gibt's noch mehr/weitere Statistiken zu #identica
Sunday, 29-Sep-13 16:52:31 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°8'59"E Repeated by oldpostblue
@erkanyilmaz Checking in to a group on #identica so to get attention
Friday, 12-Jul-13 13:04:59 UTC from at 38°31'28"N 118°37'28"W in context Repeated by backuptheru -
@erkanyilmaz Checking in to a group on #identica so to get attention
"The goal of #federation, as I see it, is for services such as this one (and #friendica, #budd…
hm, "It's not just you! #identica looks down from here." by #downforeveryoneorjustme