Notices tagged with twister
let's meet in irc, !twister or !bitmessage ? and you'll get mine, which brings you into the !cjdns syst…
Ideally, you'd have a client/UI and below it several of the existing technologies (A) for distribution:…
if you're using !twister, it'd be great when you share some of your traffic stats, thx:
... in my view the best + easy-to-install system for normal users is still !twister. They can run it fr…
!twister traffic in 0.75h: download: 6.8 Mb, upload: 8 Mb
I have a dream... !gs on an infrastructure (e.g. like !twister) and hoping the storage keeps in a reaso…
6773 users have set their profiles, 9711 users are following someone, 4532 users have twisted at least …
@hosh so I was thinking: which option one should suggest then? Thinking, if !redmatrix, !twister are be…
Die Darstellung sieht aus wie bei !twister, wobei ich vom Gefühl her sagen würde, bei twister war's l…
...and not with this !twister
!twister - how to solve the #spam and #DoS using DHT store?
well, I am here at !gs mostly due to old friends and my bot. since public things in !twister are public…
I like !twister (1) also: "why I like twister?" (2). (1) (2) h…
glaub mir, !twister ist nicht so hart. Wenn du linux benutzt easy (und für win gibt's sogar einen installer)
ist halt so, ich predige ja nicht umsonst, dass man seine eigen Instanz laufen lassen sollte. nicht nur…