minetest (minetest) group
Looks like I'll be buying Minecraft for my son. He just wandered in here with piles of coins from h…
Next week we will remake the manor.space !minetest server. Once we have our DNS issues settled, we'll res…
A comparison between !minetest and minecraft from a couple of veteran players. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enKHBQatNDM !freegaming
https://gs.sdf.org/attachment/335782 While exploring the end of the world (http://wiki.minetest.net/End_o…
Examples of how rad mesecons is: http://mesecons.net/digilines.html and http://mesecons.net/luacontroll…
Mesecons and pipeworks in !minetest are a ton of fun. I have yet to try technics, though.
@dwmatiz perhaps not quite yet. the lure of his Nintendo 2DS and Minecraft is strong (though he plays the hell out of some !minetest)
Put a copy of The Hobbit on hold to read to my son since he's suddenly obsessed with LOTR after playing L…
I keep having to explain lots of stuff to the kiddo while he plays LOTT. I need to find a good Tolkien intro for kids. !minetest
Kiddo got rings, crossbows, and bows to work in LOTT but potions don't seem to actually produce anything.…
Or how the heck do you shoot a bow and arrow? Has that functionality been implemented? !minetest #lott
Anyone know how to wear rings you've crafted in Lord of the Test? !minetest
So, Lord of the Test is quite fun but I haven't fully gotten a feel for it yet. I don't recognize all t…
Going to try out Lord of the Test with my son. He's up way too late but it's spring break, so YOLO. I…
Got the yard cleaned up. Was going to get some billable hours but my son begged me to play a little !mi…
https://gs.sdf.org/attachment/314296 The manor.space !minetest server just got a spleef arena, built by m…
As is tradition with the manor.space !minetest server, the starting area is now a massive forest fire. …
@hobbsc we walled in the starting area in nonflammable materials. Hopefully someone can take out all the …
We've rebuilt the !minetest server on manor.space. If you'd like to join, the password is 'gnu generation…
The manor.space !minetest server is back up. http://manor.space/manor_mines